Flora and Fauna to Explore in Bandhavgarh National Park

bandhavgarh safari

Bandhavgarh is a very popular national park in India as it is well regarded for having huge density of tigers. Bandhavgarh National Park is believed to have world’s highest density of Bengal Tigers. It also has rich diversity of flora and fauna to attract nature and wildlife lovers. From Chinkaras to Bisons and Nilgais grazing on the grasslands, Bandhavgarh houses a huge range of animals. 

There are three core zones in this national park – Tala, Khitauli, and Magadhi. The park is stretched over 694 sq. km in total. 

Fauna in Bandhavgarh

When you start exploring the dense jungles, you can easily spot the amazing fauna species like Chausingha, Nilgai, Chital, Langurs, Chinkara, Macaques, Muntjac, Jackals and Wild Boar. You can find different butterflies and birds which belong to the wildlife of Bandhavgarh. Nature lovers can explore the thick and dense forest regions of the national park and is well known for varied range of plant life and wildlife and is well regarded for varied topography. 

Tigers \Tigers are the heart and soul of this national park. There are also epic stories and tales regarding the tigers here, such as the story behind Charger, a popular tigress once known for her aggressive behavior. 

You can find leopards mainly in the core area. But they are also found in buffer zone. They are quite smaller than tiger and their favorite prey are spotted deer, barking deer, chinkara, wild boar, langur, and livestock. 


Another famous mammal which can be spotted easily here is Sambaar. They are the largest deer in Asia which can weigh up to 350 kg and around 150 cm high up to their shoulder. You can spot sambar only in the dense grasslands and canopy of the jungle. These antlers re-grow during the month of March and April. 

Sloth Bear 

As the name suggests, Sloth bear is like a mixture of bear and sloth. Its diet mostly depends on vegetation and mahus fruits and honey are its favorite. As compared to arctic bears, they are relatively small. 

Barking Deer 

They are relatively smaller than Sambar and Chital and are found basically around water bodies. As the name suggests, they are used to call alarm sounds like a dog is barking. They are pretty good at camouflage in the bushes whenever it feels any threat. 


Also known as Axis Deer, Chital plays a vital role in ecological balance. The vegetation these mammals eat has great chances for survival as they are very fertile by nature. Their antlers are mostly detached once mating is done whenever monsoon season arrives. During winter, female mammals give birth to one or two fawns. 


They are easily found in temples and rural areas, along with jungles. They are usually found in groups and they bound well with spotted deer. Both tigers and leopards prey on langurs. 

Wild Dogs

Also known as Dhole in Central India, wild dogs also communicate by whistling along with barking. They are very flexible and are used to eat their prey alive. 

Wild Boar

In Bandhavgarh National Park, some wild boars were brought from Kanha National Park. They basically live on hills and come to the plain or downhill to have water and feed grass. They live in herds of cubs, females and other adult males. As compared to males, females are smaller and the size of the group can have up to 40 wild boars. Their mating season starts from winter. Later on, they live alone with a few male wild boars. 

Flora in Bandhavgarh

Bandhavgarh is known to be rich in diversity of flora thanks to the combination of different types of soils and landforms and the region remains very moist. Bandhavgarh is known to have Southern tropical moist deciduous and Moist peninsular sal forest, as well as Southern tropical dry deciduous forest. It has over 50 aquatic plant species, 600 flowering plant species, and 18 rare plant species. You can find different trees in the national park, such as – 

Sal Tree

This timber tree is found all around the tiger reserve. It is a slow and moderately growing tree and is found highly in the forest. Its anti-termite wood is widely used in making railway sleepers and furniture. The viscous paste (gum) releasing from its stem is used in marine yards and for making shoe polish. It is almost an evergreen tree. 

Mahua (Indian Butter) Tree

It has been used in villages for ages in Central India. Oil which comes out of its seed is widely used in soap industry as edible oil. Its fleshy flowers are high in sugar, calcium and vitamin for animals and birds. Local villagers also use its flowers to brew a strong alcoholic drink. 

Saj Tree

There are 200 species of shrubs and trees in the Terminalia Linn. It is a rich source of non-wood products, such as drugs, oil, and gums. It has unique patterns on the bark due to which it is known as crocodile bark tree. 

Palash Tree (Flame of Forest)

It is well known for vivid orange flowers which come in full bloom in February. Its flower is boiled and its color is used for making ink and dye. 

Stone Apple (Bel)

The outer crust of its fruit is very hard. Due to this reason, it is known as stone apple. Its juice is extracted to make healthy drinks to soothe all the problems of stomach like constipation and diarrhea. 


This tree grows as a very giant tree which is stretched over several hectares. Its figs are good for mammals and birds like Indian mynas. According to the studies, the seeds which pass through its digestive system are known to germinate. 

Bottom Line

So here are some of the rich flora and fauna in Bandhavgarh National Park you should know. If you are planning to visit there next time, be sure to expect seeing these attractions.

Picture of Teerathnath Singh

Teerathnath Singh

My name is Teerathnath. Since my Childhood, i am fond of Jungle Safari. I born at Bandhavgarh and being native I help tourists to explore Bandhavgarh.

Step-by-Step Guide for First-Time Visitors to a National Park in India

Step-by-Step Guide for First-Time Visitors to a National Park in India

Welcome to our Step-by-Step Guide for First-Time Visitors to a National Park in India. Prepare to embark on an extraordinary wildlife adventure as we guide you through the mesmerizing wilderness of India’s iconic National Parks.

In this comprehensive guide, we leave no stone unturned, ensuring you have all the information and tips you need for a seamless and unforgettable journey. From choosing the perfect National Park that aligns with your wildlife interests to understanding the best time to visit for optimal sightings, we’ve got you covered.

Packing wisely is essential for a comfortable and hassle-free safari experience. Our expert tips will help you gear up smartly, ensuring you have the right clothing and essential items to make the most of your wildlife encounters.

Arranging accommodation nearby or inside the National Park is key to immersing yourself in nature’s beauty. Discover the perfect lodging options that offer convenience and tranquility during your stay.

Booking safaris in advance is a must to secure your spot and witness the fascinating fauna of India up close. Our guide will walk you through the process, ensuring you don’t miss out on any thrilling wildlife moments.

Safety is our utmost priority. We provide valuable insights on respecting wildlife boundaries and adhering to park regulations for a safe and responsible adventure.

Prepare to be captivated by the excitement of safari tours as we share tips on spotting wildlife, understanding their behavior, and capturing stunning photographs ethically.

For those seeking a deeper connection with nature, guided nature walks and treks offer a unique experience to appreciate the diverse flora and immerse yourself in the lesser-known wonders of the park.

Birdwatchers will be delighted by India’s vibrant avian life. From colorful kingfishers to rare and endemic species, our guide will unveil the fascinating world of birdwatching within the National Parks.

Embrace responsible tourism and leave no trace behind. Our guide emphasizes the significance of supporting conservation efforts to preserve the rich biodiversity of India’s National Parks.

So, get ready to unlock the secrets of India’s wildlife treasures with our Step-by-Step Guide for First-Time Visitors to a National Park in India. Your journey into the heart of nature awaits, promising cherished memories and a profound appreciation for the wonders of the wild. Let’s venture together into the wilderness and create memories that will last a lifetime.

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